We, the laborers, are the key resource and our character is what counts. We are often told that money is limited, that the harvest is not what it used to be, or that God must pour out His Spirit in revival. According to the Scriptures none of these things is true! Rather, God promises all we need; He declares the harvest is plentiful and that His Spirit indwells us. He tells us what is actually in short supply: workers for the harvest. His Great Commission is that we make disciples. Jesus’ conception of a disciple or a laborer is far beyond someone who claims to be a Christian. He must give up everything, he must hold to His teaching and he must love others. In doing so, he will bear much fruit. This may be an unbelievably high standard, but Jesus has commanded us to pray and to work for this end. The quality of our student discipleship is high because we are examples of the image of God worthy for them to imitate. More quality staff laborers are critical to our efforts.

Scripture: Matthew 9:35-38; 2 Timothy 2; Genesis 1:27,28; John 4:34-38; Acts 6:1-7