Matt & Karlyn Geiger

HQ Staff

I (Matt) have been asked what I’m passionate about many times. What excites me like nothing else is hearing that the gospel is reaching people groups who have never before been reached. I want to be a part of that effort.

For many years, I was compelled to take the good news of Jesus to where it has never been heard. In 2014, God allowed me to spearhead a missions movement within DiscipleMakers, creating a culture for staff and students to consider their role in reaching the nations. In an effort to actively reach international students on campus, I’ve helped launch an International Student Group with DiscipleMakers. I also train key leaders through directing and leading DiscipleMakers’ internship program. Karlyn serves faithfully by my side, fulfilling her passion to train our three children in godliness and invest in staff and students.

We always come back to who Jesus is and the amazing work He has done for us. While we were still sinners—His enemy—He saw us, loved us, and gave His life to rescue us. How could He do so much for us, and we not be passionate about Him? This passion for our God is what first brought Karlyn and me to DiscipleMakers. Jesus gave His all for us; we want to give our all to Him. DiscipleMakers is the perfect place for us to do that.




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The Myanmar Archive

Thank you to many people who followed along and prayed for our family as we traveled to Myanmar from December 2017 - February 2018.  If you missed reading some, or are curious about our time, we created an online archive with links to all our write-ups as well  some documents our kids wrote. Check it out.